Category: Psychotherapie

Thoughts on Happiness (2) [Happiness Sequence, Part 3]

[Previously: Happy by Habit, Thoughts on Happiness (1)] 9. Seeing the positive Stupid and/or irrational people can really annoy me. Someone just has to say that “evolutionary psychology is biologistic” and my day is ruined. The fact is that the irrationality, overconfidence and ignorance of some people boggles the mind. If this sad fact is brought home to

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Thoughts on Happiness (1) [Happiness Sequence, Part 2]

[Previously: Happy by Habit] This is a collection of thoughts on how to become happier. The first 2 parts are mostly focused on cognitive habits that I’ve found useful. That means I’m not talking about obvious stuff like regular exercise, good diet, enough sleep, socializing with friends, having healthy relationships and keeping the cocaine to a

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Pessimistische Psychotherapie I

[Diese Abhandlung ist offensichtlich von weinerlichem existentialistischem Gedankengut inspiriert. Und ich bin natürlich auch nicht der erste, der auf eine fruchtbare Verknüpfung von Existentialismus und Psychotherapie hinweist. Zu einiger Bekanntheit gelang beispielsweise die existentielle Psychotherapie von Irvin Yalom. Allerdings war Yalom noch ziemlich von der Psychoanalyse beeinflusst und ignoriert meines Wissens nach viele neuere psychologische Erkenntnisse. Mein

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